Rye Classic car show part 5

 This is my last of the Rye show. In a week or two I have another show coming up with a lot of cars on display. 

  Don't forget to click to enlarge them

That's all folks


  1. To what car class do the four legged critters belong? Be careful to not step in their exhaust emissions. 😂

  2. Oh, I love the horses. Thank you, Trev. Good morning! The cars are great too! Have a nice day! I liked your blog from yesterday for the car you learned how to drive in. Nice looking one. Hugs and smiles, Debbie

    1. Thanks, Debbie. This is that last show for a week or two as it is near the end of the year now

  3. Love the cars, but have to say, the horses are gorgeous!

    Thanks for sharing the photos!

    Here’s to a good weekend.


  4. a great mix at the show for everyone to get enthused. Have to say I like the tractor! Reminds me of show we went to many moons ago. Pete took a lot of pics and developed them himself in a tank he made. We had one heck of a job bringing down from the loft when we moved here It weighed a ton!

    1. I had to laught at the last it, Cas. It is one of the better shows as there is so much for everyone


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