Friday Post


Have a good weekend

That's all folks


  1. Good morning, Trev. Great music. I love the first one. Hayley. Nice. Love all the red colors. Have a nice day there. Our weather is like Spring. We like it. Hugs and smiles, Debbie

  2. Happy Friday! Hope you are feeling better. Gorgeous photos.

  3. Yes, I think all of us have our own methods of doing things that work for us.

    OHhhhhhhhhhhhh do I ever agree w/you! I am short (4 ft. 10.5 in. and sweet . . . UNLESS you cross me. Don’t cross me. I am the same way . . . . fierce! Never want to be on the receiving end of that.

    I do stress about things sometimes, but the majority of the time, if I cannot control the situation (which happens OFTEN) then have to control reactions.

    It took me a long time to realize I am not going to like everyone and they’re not always going to like me, either. BUT I am always polite and respectful and feel that if someone doesn’t like me, it’s their loss . . . just as you say. Mom always said that, but took me a long time to believe it.

    I’m not exactly an introvert but don’t have a boatload of friends. But, as you say, the ones I have are true blue, loyal and I am the same way w/them. Lifetime friends. Never hung w/the popular kids growing up and looking back, that was a wise decision! Mom always said to just be myself.

    Here’s to a good weekend and taking each day one @ a time!

    Hugs and blessings

    1. That is what we all need to do, one day at a time. Have a good weekend, Barb


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