Sunday day out

 Good morning all, I am behind this week as things have caught up with me, 

Sunday was a day out at a farm an open day, the Morris Minor Owners Club put on a display with their cars. Of course Stan and me to the Morris along. The Farm is not a big one but there were a lot of people coming in the gate. I did take some pictures.

Don't forget to click the picture for more detail.

Goats and the public

A look across to the car park

One of our members built this

I couldn't get us all in

This is Jeff who built the train

It is going to be a while before the next show.

Have a great day

That's all folks


  1. LOVE the photos. That train is magnificient! Looks like you had a busy but good week.


  2. speded2 (Jeanne)9 August 2023 at 12:47

    The train is amazing! So much talent. Thanks for sharing. 📸

  3. Great Photo’s Trev, looks like you had a great day. Have a great week ahead, your friend, Judith (MFP)

  4. Great looking vehicles, goats and a train. How long did it take him to make it, do you know?

    1. I don't know that Krys but I will be seeing him next week and will ask

  5. This is great to see them in black and white. Good morning, Trev. Sorry I missed this one. Have a great weekend. Smiles, Debbie

  6. Nice pics. A lovely day.


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