Friday's Post "The Detling show"

 The county showground at Detling is one of the highest places in Kent. There is nothing to stop the cold wind and in both Spring and Fall it is cold. 
My club arrived around 9 am and set up "camp" for the day, we had 8 car with one more late entry having to park elsewhere.

This is deceiving as after an hour most of the ladies had blanket over them.
We men didn't bother. 

Part of our line up

This was a lot later, the site never got packed and there is a lot of room there.

 That's all folks


  1. Cools cars.
    Loved the music, getting in the mood for Monster Mash, I can imagine Jim Carrey doing an updated version with all all the facial contortions and gurning LOL

    Happy weekend hun, sorry not been around much this week 🤗🤗

  2. Your pictures are nice to see, Trev. I love seeing the cars. Have a fun weekend. Thank you for sharing.

  3. Love seeing all the pictures! Looks like you all have so much fun! My dad loved the Convoy song. I remember listening to it often when I was young.

    Have a super weekend!

  4. I see my fav green car. To bad it was so cold, but like you said, it's Fall. It has cooled down here as well. Thanks for the nice blog Trev!

  5. Staying cozy at the show. Smart women!

    Are the werewolves native to your area? You have some great shots.
    (Tongue in cheek. Most times tone is lost in the written word.)

    Have a sparkling weekend. ✨✨✨✨

    1. Thank you. . they are part of Halloween month and part of a challenge I am doing for fun

  6. Brr! A nice warm bonfire would probably have been welcome 🥶

    Pass the parkin and whiskey! 😂

    1. Too true that day, but it did warn later on

  7. Like the song Convoy!

    Love Monster Mash

    Loved Johnny Cash’s Wabash Cannonball

    LOVE Andre Rieu’s version of Danced w/Wolves

    Looks like the women got cold! Nice cars.

  8. It's kind of like a football night in a big open stadium here in Minnesota!! But the "diehard" take the balnket and enjoy their game. I don't mind the cool at all but don't don't watch sports either.
    Lovely picture!!

    1. The problem with the site is the wind it is very hot or very cold

  9. Those are really nice pictures and the cars are so wonderfully maintained! Stay warm Trevor!


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