Saturday Post "Silly day or laughter Saturday"

 When I was no bigger that a grasshopper (about 60 years ago) there was this program called the Goon Show.Most of it was just daft but as this was just after the war, who cares! Now two days ago this came on the radio. As a kid I loved it. The Ying Tong Song - The Goons

Listen or turn it of but the Bee Gee's did their own version of it.

Hippopotamus song

Hello Muddah, Hello Fadduh

(Sir Walter Raleigh phone conversation)

"Air Traffic Controller


The Power Of Love

I took this Thursday evening

Have a great weekend


  1. You brought back a lot of happy memories Trev , cheers me dear 👍🤗🤗

  2. Beautiful Moon shot. Bob Newhart. He is so funny, and a proper gentlemen!

    1. Yes, Jeanne, he was. It's a pity he has gone

  3. Hi Trev, great picture of the moon. I love Celine Dion. Thank you for sharing. I like "laughter Saturday". Have a great weekend. Hope it's cooler temps.

  4. Yes, Gill, you are right about those shows. Saturday / Sunday lunchtime shows

  5. Peter Sellers a singer...who'd a thunk it? I remember Bob Newhart and his phone routines.
    "Laughter Saturday" is most welcome. Thank you!

  6. Slightly before my time...

  7. Hippopotamus song – too cute!

    Allan Sherman’s Hello Muddah, Hello Fadduh – sums up summer camp perfectly! LOL

    Oh Bob Newhart was just hysterical in his Conversation w/Sir Walter Raleigh!

    The Air Traffic Controller – OMG … ROFL.

    The Power of Love by Celine – love her version.

    LOVE your picture! Exquisite.

  8. Lovely picture. Do you think you could get the other side next time? Thanks.

    1. You are band from here until you put up a picture of yourself and give everyone a laugh

  9. Great picture of the moon. I remember Bob Newhart, but had never heard of the rest. And you can't go wrong with Celine!

    Hope you are having a great weekend.

  10. Memories.. when life was a little simpler and you could have a laugh
    Thank Trev


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